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i think i found a glitch. beat the 8th level and returned to the menu a little quickly, and this happened.

Okays, but is it still playable or are you stuck there?

its still playable, just an amusing graphical glitch. might also be possible on level 5.

saves seem to be broke

What happened?

can i ask, are you using the same gadget with a different account or a different gadget with the same account?

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i dont know what happened, but for some reason my save dissapeared. i was at the start of campaign 2, and i'm using the same laptop and same account to play. maybe the virus scan i did deleted my cache or something? idk. that said, it is working up to chapter ten. i checked to make sure the save saved before closing out for the day

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I see, I'll check up on it and add an update once its fixed, because for me it works fine so I don't really know what's going on

there is also a possibility of this being a case of the problem is located between the keyboard and chair type situation, so if you can't replicate it, don't worry

how many times are you going to change level 3

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oh this may be the last time

Help??? (What did i do wrong??)

I got this error if that helps ^^^
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Sorry oversight, i've fixed it

also dont worry about losing progress, the savefiles should work


better even than fire emblem,love from China.BUT there are so many backup enemies and the goal of mission DIDNOT work well(defend the base,i kill them all for 12 turns!).STILL it is a good game,thank you a lot!

thxs, im working on fixes to the defend mission, as for the massive amount of backup enemies (probably talking about mission 10), thats a placeholder for a bossfight glad you had fun


This was quite fun. I hope you add a save feature one day

Im still running tests but it may or may not work i dunno


I have good news, saves are now working


Level 8 has a bug just so you know. I cleared all the waves but there is not an end to the waves.

you blocked all the spawning blocks for enemy reinforcements, you need to kill all the enemies and block all the bases(enemy lavalamps), this involves killing all the spawn waves outside the map. just dont block the grey tiles without lavalamps, feel free to block the ones with lava lamps


Very interesting WarChess game, honestly at first when I saw the visual style it made me think of Crypt of the NecroDancer.


The game is very good, I found the artwork and design of the isometric sprites very nice. Where can I contact you? 

I would like to know if you plan to make a complete game to help you with the sounds after the GameJAM.

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My discord is Lusk also thx of the compliment <3, i have no skills in music so I really need help in that department, I do indeed plan to continue this game after the jam, please contact me on discord for any questions and stuff, itd be great to get help on this


Oh I get that I can not send you the request, send it to my user is

on which platform is this, i dont know much about dms and stuff


It's on Discord

the closest person i found is neumanrio, this u?


Love the sprites and animations! Probably one of the smoothest sprite animations I've seen from all the submissions. Buff systems is pretty unique too. I just wish this game had sound.

Also, Vedal's hitbox sometimes would block me from selecting units above him, or at least make me select him instead. There were plenty of times where I overkilled a poor gymbag by accidentally using Vedal instead of a hunter lol.

Thx, if there are any notable bugs that softlock the player, do tell me, I'll try to fix it in the new versions.

bugs that give units bonus dmg out of nowhere is fine

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Finally got the time to complete all ten levels, I wanted to give you additional kudos since I had a really fun time with all the skill variety that the different neuroverse characters had. Combining a bunch of buffs and having someone like Evil bulldoze an entire line of enemies was awesome! (Notably, Evil's Birthday + Capital Bombardment allows Evil to oneshot any enemy??)

I did run into a little soft-lock with Clear the Map levels that had both Vedal and Ellie on them. Their buff - Mechanics (the shield one) - negates damage from even the instakill spikes on enemy reinforcement squares.

This allows the player to easily block enemy waves from appearing by placing their units on these grey squares (which is easily done with Camilla, B-Bots, or even using Mini's boxes). On other level types, like evacuation, this soft-lock basically cheeses the level by just denying enemy reinforcements. However, since Clear the Map levels need to spawn their queued waves, the player can unknowingly become soft locked if all the reinforcement squares are occupied.

I didn't know this at first for level 10, so I went all the way up to turn 50 before I realized I needed enemies to spawn lol. I did eventually complete the level after allowing them to spawn through. Though, if a player filled the whole map with their units, they'll be definitely soft locked.  (Edit: Actually, I forgot you can friendly fire units, so...the only way to really soft-lock is to block all squares with Layna, Cerber, Mini, and a ton of her boxes)

Again, kudos for the awesome advance wars-esque game! :>  


My only criticism is that we also need enemy information so that we can use it to our advantage. How can I use Evil to the max if I can't tell how much health the enemy has left?

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Hovering over enemy units does give you their hp in percentage; though you'll have to estimate whether Evil will kill or not (ie she can kill hunters at 100% but won't kill tanks over 50% unless you have a buff like capital bombardment or twins active).

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Got it, thanks.


This game is so cool as a concept. Would really be into it was it a bit more polished in terms of user friendliness.

ello, is it fine if you tell me whats the issue so that i can fix it in the future?


Interesting but sometime is hard to differentiate between enemies and my troops, and at the beginning I miss to click on my troops by clicking on the tiles where they stand on, the ui for the moves of the troop should look different  the default one when no troops are selected.
It looks great and the turn base system is fun. 

I pray for you on level 7